Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Beginning to Relax

Though, by saying that, I probably just blew it. Regardless, yes my stress level seems to be evening out, and though I still feel like I'm either not sleeping enough or sleeping way too much (sometimes in the same night!), equilibrium seems to be returning and I am so glad.

Since my last post about my work situation, I confirmed that I will, in fact, be working four days a week at the original, Gallery Row,Lancaster Yarn Shop. I had to specify the location, because tomorrow our (well, Wendy's, really) second location at Kitchen Kettle Village in Intercourse will be opening! Although I will not be working at that store, I do plan to stop by tomorrow to wish Wendy well and check out the new digs. I have high hopes for the future of both shops, which will likely fill slightly different needs based on location and clientele. If you are local or are going to be, please stop by and say "Hi." Or any other greeting you'd like to exchange, as long as it's pleasant.

I've worked in, and not especially enjoyed, retail before, but this is different. It's working with products I use and am excited about, and I get to help people one-on-one (beyond just ringing up sales or finding the right size of x or y) and meet lots of interesting knitters who live in my community! What's not to love? So, there's that.

I also find that I am writing more, daily, even. Most of it is definitely first-draft work that may well stay that way, but the point is that it is returning and I managed to clear off a spot on my desk so that I can sit and get something done like an adult. Also, I was in touch with the editor I've been writing for the other day, and it looks like some assignments may be forthcoming. Also, I have a proofreading project to do tomorrow.

It may not seem like a lot, and there are definitely things I still need to figure out: still way too much clutter, still worried about a sick friend, still trying to find balance, not to mention making a decision to use "still" a whole lot less.

As for knitting, FLS has a completed body and part of a right sleeve. I'm counting on it growing in the blocking, and if washing Coronet was any indication, it will.

Here's a question, anyone use Twitter, and if so, should I? I succumbed to Facebook, but don't know if I need yet another social networking thingy grabbing my time and attention. Thanks for your input.

Enough with the rambling, have a good week!

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At 12:07 AM, Blogger Theresa said...

Hey Faith ~ I sure do miss seeing you! :-)
I use twitter and plurk ~ both under I love it...I really recomend trying both


At 9:05 PM, Blogger wrtrmaus said...

Thanks, Theresa,

I miss seeing you too. May be I'll try for the Monday next month (what do we think the likelihood is for a snowstorm the first week of April?)

I am definitely curious about Twitter, I've peeked at a few people I know who use it, but I'm wary. I guess I could give it a try without having to be married to it. I'm not as familiar with
plurk, I'll have to look into that as well.

Thanks so much for the input!

At 1:41 AM, Blogger Rachael Herron said...

You know, I hated the idea of Twitter. Can't remember how La talked me into it, but I LOVE IT now more than any other social networking anything. You should try it!

At 9:08 PM, Blogger wrtrmaus said...

Thanks for the input and encouragement Rachael. I think I worry about what to say in that little box, and whether I'll be interesting, but I guess I just need to jump in and see what happens (as with everything else in my life I hesitate over).


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