Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Inner Gardener

I think I'm finally finding my inner gardener again, she disappered rather abruptly mid-April, but I think she's ready to come out of hiding. Of course, I haven't planted anything yet, but I'm making great progress weeding my overgrown front bed and I'm beginning to imagine things in it.

I spent half an hour on my knees in the dirt when I got home this afternoon and had a decent sized pile of stuff to compost by the time I gave my joints a break. I'm thinking of going to a greenhouse this weekend. I want to put Portulaca in front, just fill the bed with them. I only hope I can find some at this late date. If not, I'll go for any bright bedding plants I can find. I want color, my roses are blooming and fading really quickly at the moment.

I'd like to do at least one bed in the back again, but I'm not yet sure that I will squeeze it in. I guess I'll just have to see what the weekend brings.


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