Proof that I actually finished a garment:

Here's a daylight shot. I've also decided not to seam the back.

Noro Silk Garden #65
US 10 1/2 needles
Started sometime in October (this time), finished December 15, 2006.
I bought the yarn and pattern book last year, maybe July, and started then (without swatching). The gauge was too small, so I put it aside for a very long time. It took me another three tries before I got gauge (still no swatching in the true sense), then I did one piece and put it aside again to finish my kneesocks. The other three pieces went relatively quickly, I think I did the second sleeve over the course of a couple of days (and my left hand is tender as a result).
I'm happy with it, and it's been a hit with everyone who's seen it so far.
Now I need to decide what to start next. Socks? A scarf? Another sweater? Mittens? Who knows, first I should finish my shopping...
Looks great! Congratulations
WOW...it looks awesome one you! Congrats...I am totally impresse! :-)
Yay! I love it. It looks wonderful on you.
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