Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Friday, November 25, 2005

I Got In

One of the fringe benefits of participating in the PATH Program at Kripalu is getting to take programs at no or low cost. My two month stay entitled me to one, and I found out today that I got into my choice.

So, next weekend, the final weekend of my stay, I will be taking The Yoga of Knitting. Karen Allen has a lovely little knitwear shop in Great Barrington Massachusetts. She makes really funky sweaters on a knitting machine. I happened to meet her a couple of weeks ago when I went to check out the shop and the rest of the town. She was gracious and approachable, and I really look forward to taking the workshop.

In anticipation, I placed an order, so that I would have adequate, correct materials to work with. I can't wait! I'll tell you all about it on the other side.


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