Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

NaNo Day 20 -- 806

Quilting class nights are not good word count nights. But I did better than I have for the past couple of Thursdays. Running total is 34, 369. I'd love to break 40,000 by the end of tomorrow, but I just don't think it'll happen.

Quilting went better than I expected this evening, I have two weeks to get the top all sewn together (before the next class), and I'm a little nervous about that.

What makes me more nervous? The fact that I requested information about a Masters program. Grad school thoughts have been worming themselves through my head on and off for some time (that must explain all of my random class-taking). Today I discovered that the one program I'd want is now offered in web-based form. I'm just looking.

No niecernephew news yet; my parents should be through stage one of their trip by now.

Strange dreams last night that I no longer remember. I do, however, remember the neighbor revving his car at 5:30 am and our bedroom windows vibrating because of it. I was a zombie until at least noon.

Gonna try to make up for it right now.


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