Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Okay, that doesn't quite have the same effect, but it certainly is true. Today was not easy. It's been a long week and I'm antsy about my drive and semi-frightening new experience this weekend. The main reason today was not easy, though, was the memorial service.

We are a small institution. The death of a student makes an impact on the whole community. Because of this, we held a memorial service for her this morning in the gallery. It was touching and tasteful and probably just right. And I cried. I didn't know the student in question particularly well, but it was my second funeral-type service for people who were outlived by their parents. I am ill-equipped for more than one funeral per year.

Her best friend got up and talked about her, the fun they'd had getting to know one another in the months since they'd started college, it was absolutely heart-rending. The members of her section sat on gallery benches holding brightly colored roses. I'm not religious, but I know the Lord's Prayer well enough to fall into the words and rhythm when it's recited. She was Catholic, one of our faculty is a retired layperson of rank in the Catholic church. He lead the service and it was fitting and good. I hope that whatever good can come to people after they die has come to her. There will be a vase of flowers in the gallery in her memory for the rest of the semester.

I hope her friends can eventually move through their grief and devastation, they currently move through the building looking absolutely haunted. I just want to hug them.

Okay, on a slightly more cheerful note, I finished the knitting on the back of Big Sack this evening. I will wait until I get back to cast on for the front, and I will wait until the front is done before I do any blocking, just in case, because I am frightened of this sweater, but we knew that already.

Have a good, relaxing, weekend, I will be media free (except lots of car radio) until late Sunday evening or Monday morning. You will be regaled with tales of yoga in the Berkshires some time after that.


At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faith -
I'm so sorry about the student. With luck, your trip to the Berkshires will be fulfilling and will help with this new loss. The Berkshires are gorgeous - that's where I went to college, and it's an amazing part of the country. Be careful driving, though.

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Hi Faith - I am terribly sorry about the loss of your student. I hope your trip does you good.
I read your 100 things about me and I think we have met before at Enchanted Forest when I had just begun knitting. You had on a gorgeous poncho and had just finished a pair of socks that you just finished (?).I apologize if it wasn't you!
I hope you have a really nice weekend!


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