Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Incremental Progress

Yes, the knitting is glacial at this point, but that's okay. I think my mother only half-believes she's actually going to get a pair of socks, anyway. I'm on the third cable repeat of Big Sack (of course, they are only 10 row repeats), but I am making it grow slowly. I've been tired enough the past couple of days that I haven't even wanted to keep my hands occupied whilst staring at the idiot box. No more GRE studies lately either.

I'm not doing National Novel Editing Month, but getting the email reminders that it has started and seeing the news that Stephanie has finished yet another knitting book has made me think about dragging Washing Silver (my 2002 NANO effort) out of hibernation. I think I've put enough distance between myself and the initial draft by now.

And I took a black and white photograph this morning because the light was right and the composition was interesting.

Maybe spring is in the air after all.


At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Get that book out of hibernation! It'll distract you from the neverending winter... Sigh...


At 9:57 PM, Blogger Bookish Wendy said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Birthday wish. It was a pretty great day. This is my first "public" birthday and wow! all the love.

BTW - what are you thinking about the Big Sack? I loved knitting it and I loooove wearing it.


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