Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


It's supposed to be another snowy day today, so I'm holing up until I have to go to work tomorrow. I went out yesterday, did some marketing, went to the grocery store, went to Day of Dance at the health campus. The last one was nerve-wracking because it was just so crowded. But I got some decent information, and it didn't hurt that my boss's boss saw me there. I only lasted two of the four hours, though.

I could take a walk to a cafe, get out of the house for a bit, but I don't think I'm going to. I think I'll stay here and curl up with my knitting and a movie or several. Maybe cook this afternoon. I bought the largest brussels sprouts I've ever seen yesterday, I think I may steam a few of them later. I had oatmeal with maple syrup and blackberries for breakfast. It's definitely a comfort food day.

I've got a lot on my mind lately, but most of it is unsharable, or just too tangled to be clearly articulated. This day burrowed into my space will, hopefully help with all that as well.

I hope you all enjoy your Sunday, in whichever way works best for you.

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