Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Poetry Night

I went to a poetry reading tonight. I almost always enjoy readings by published poets, and this was no exception. One of the readers is a friend of mine, but I hadn't heard her work before, I'm glad I finally got to. Poetry readings make me want to write, but tonight I'm too jittery from not eating enough today (a bowl of granola late morning-ish) and drinking coffee in the evening, so this is what I'm doing for now.

The freelance thing is still lacking rhythm. I'm doing some work, but not enough, and not with much structure. I haven't quite figured out what I need to do to whip myself into shape.

Knitting is temporarily stalled. I seem to be suffering from my first case of SSS on the basketweave socks, even though I really like the way the first one turned out. Then there's Ribby... I don't have much left to do on the second sleeve, which is the final piece, except that when I looked at it, I seem to have done something different than I did on the first, and I don't quite have the energy to figure out and rip back to fix it, even though I would like to have the finished product.


Life has been sort of confusing and stressful in the past few weeks. I almost talked myself into driving to Rhinebeck last weekend, and I'm still kicking myself for not following through on my plan. I think it's about time for me to run away from home for a little while (let's not mention that I live alone), and that would have been the perfect destination. Oh, well, I'll come up with something.

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Monday, October 01, 2007

Promising Start, and Knitting!

The first day of my "new life" went better than I'd hoped. I got things accomplished, I didn't slack off and sit in front of the tv or sleep the day away. I may not have been absolutely as productive as I could have been, but I proved that I could get work accomplished without being distracted by anything else I could be doing in my apartment.

I also got some exercise in, an area in which I've been slacking lately. It helped that I had flexibility to go whenever I wanted.

On the knitting front, I went and visited my long-distance SnB group. I travel an hour to knit with them, so I don't get down too often, but I always really always enjoy their company. I got the stitches picked up and a few decreases done on the gusset of my most recent sock, maybe I'll manage to take photos of it tomorrow...maybe.

Oh, Public Service Announcement: If you like to read, and would like to help a fellow knitter, go here to read the plea, and here to read and vote (only 10s count!). It's a fun read and exciting to see her doing so well!

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