Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Friday, April 28, 2006


The week, she is at an end. Have I mentioned how much I love coming home to my own place and spending an evening on my own? Even though I still have stuff to unpack and put away, I am feeling settled in in more important ways, and it feels really good, especially at the end of this week.

I have passed the sleeve division point and am nearing the end of my first skein of yarn. If I weren't getting so tired, I'd be tempted to stay up and try to get to skein two tonight.

Helping at the homestead tomorrow early afternoon, then going to the Senior Show at my former workplace closer to evening. I was there for most of this class's college career, and I still feel a connection there, not to mention that some decent talent finds its way out those doors.

Happy knitting and happy weekend.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Cold Mountain

Just saw this, it was good, but I really need to reorder my Netflix queue, because now is not the time for me to be watching grim, unhappy movies, and I know I have a fair number in there. Time to bring the comedies or happy sappy stuff up for a while.

I have two more increase rows on my V-neck before I divide for the sleeves. I hope it fits, because I think it's going to feel really nice on.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Working For the Weekend

I've done very little this week other than work, sleep, and knit, and do these quickie blog posts. I usually try not to wish my life away, but I do have to say that by the time this weekend gets here, I'll definitely be ready for it. Work has gotten a bit crazy, but I'll survive, and it'll settle down a bit after this week.

I got the ends woven in on my sister's socks, but I haven't gotten the batteries for my camera out of my glove compartment yet. I only have a few more increase rounds left on my V-neck top before I divide for the sleeves. It's round and round stockinette, but it's just what I need right now. I'm really enjoying working with the cotton fleece and I'm so pleased with the color I chose. Thanks again, ladies!

Movie recommendation: Genghis Blues -- Documentary about American bluesman Paul Pena and his trip to Tuva (north of Mongolia) for a throatsinging competition. It's interesting in terms of subject matter and beautifully shot, especially when it comes to scenes of Tuvan countryside. I picked it up at the library on Saturday after missing it when it was shown at a movie night at Kripalu.

Off to empty sinks, read a few pages, and sleep.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Even Keel

I'm feeling better than I was yesterday, aside from having a mild intestinal ick this afternoon. Sorry about the self-pity party, but sometimes blog = bleargh.

I've reached the point on #993 to begin knitting in the round (actually, I've knit two rounds), and am really enjoying the way the Cotton Fleece is knitting up.

My sister is going to be in town this weekend, so I need to weave in the ends on her shortie socks before Saturday. Maybe I'll even replace the batteries in my camera and take a photo of them before I pass them along, wouldn't that be exciting?


Monday, April 24, 2006

Adjusting, a List

  • I meant to write about the wonderful day at the Mannings on the 15th, I even started to, then didn't finish.
  • I drove a long way, got lost, knit with some really nice women, and drove a long way home again.
  • Still unpacking, sifting, and buying things for the apartment.
  • Started a summery top in Cotton Fleece in Limelight (no photos, still haven't put fresh batteries in my camera).
  • Weathered a really difficult anniversary, mourned my nephews, and discovered some leftover anger I didn't know I had.
  • Had my heart broken over something that should not even have been an issue but still really is. Cried more this evening than I have about anything in the past month or so.
  • Walked to market in the rain again, saw some art and some good friends.

These are just a few things that have been going on while I've been making the transition to single and living alone. Sorry I've been so sporadic, I'm hoping I'll be better soon, but I won't make any promises.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Officially Forever

Yeah, that's how long this move is going to take. I went over to Ebbie's to get more stuff today, and I still have more odds and ends there to round up. I have a ton of stuff in my car, because I still have boxes in my apartment.

--I'm settling into my own space quite nicely.
--I have a bed, so I don't need to sleep on the foldout couch any more.
--The bedroom furniture I've been wanting to get rid of for years was sold this evening.
--I'm knitting again!

There's more, I'm sure, but that's it for now.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm In...Sort Of

I'm sleeping in my new place, on my foldout Ikea loveseat in the livingroom. I still have boxes to unpack. I still need a bed. My bedroom is a disaster area full of empty boxes and clothes in partially open suitcases. I still have stuff at Ebbie's.

The problem with moving out of a house you've shared with someone for nearly five years when they are staying put is the sorting and sifting of stuff that has to happen in order to get it all. I'm leaving a lot of it. I'll buy a new set of dishes, a bed and bedding, and other odds and ends. We moved the big stuff on Saturday and several carloads on Sunday. I stayed there Sunday night, and went over Monday and yesterday to get odds and ends. I probably should have gone over again today, but I just couldn't do it.

Tonight was a night off from unpacking. My phone was connected today, so here I am. I've decided to go back to dialup for the time being, mostly because the phone company was being completely pushy every time I needed to talk to them.

Now I need to go so that I can pull out my couch and get ready for bed. MY back does not thank me.

I'm STILL not done with the shortie socks!