Syndactyl Salutations

Thoughts on writing, knitting, and the world around me.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Knitting Update

Just in case you haven't seen these on Ravelry (oh, yeah, I got my invite at the beginning of the month), here are a couple of things I have finished and one I'm working on.

My Lorna's socks in a 3x1 rib. I'm really happy with the way they turned out and I love the colorway -- Purple Iris.

Koolhaas! I needed a hat that was lighter weight one than the double stranded one I made when I was in Massachusetts a couple of years ago. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, and I made it in a week (which, for me, is quite speedy). It is actually more green than this photo makes it seem.

Half a pair of Knucks, plus a few fingers. They're for Christmas, but the recipient doesn't read here. I only hope they'll fit.

So, there you go, a post with photos and actual knitting content! Amazing, huh?

Still trying to work out the kinks in the other part of my life. I consider posting here to indicate progress in a positive direction. Still haven't sent anything out, but I am starting to develop ideas.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I didn't sleep last night. I read all night because I couldn't fall asleep. Finally, sometime after 5:15 am I fell asleep, poorly, for about four hours. This is becoming a weekly thing with me. I've always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, but this is different. Now I stay awake until nearly morning one night every week and am basically useless the next day. I don't know what I would do if I had to actually go to work after nights like these.

It's an anxiety thing, I'm sure of it. I couldn't get my brain to shut off; I suddenly thought of a way to knit myself mittens (I need to make super-custom ones), I thought of all the things I could possibly (if I had months) knit people as Christmas gifts...all sorts of things rushed, unbidden, through my mind, and the only thing I could do to stop them was to read. I thought about writing them out, but I was afraid that if I wrote them, I'd end up being more awake.

I've gotten a few things done today (one row left on the first Knuck), but nothing compared to what I'd wanted to get accomplished.

Wishing you all restorative sleep.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Searching for Rhythm

Yes, I'm nearly two-thirds of the way through this career experiment, and I can't say it's going as well as I'd hoped. I have written and submitted two articles for which I have reasonably high hopes of being paid, but I haven't been drumming up much other work.

I am having a hard time establishing a routine. I was planning to do Nano again this year, but that ended practically before it began. I seem to have lost my touch for speed-written novels, which bums me out, to be honest.

I want to write every day, but I manage to paralyze myself before I even pick up a pen or put fingers to keyboard (including posting here, obviously). I have gotten a bit better in the past few days (it may be premature, but work with me here) and I'm hoping it's the beginning of a trend. Next I need to actually start querying magazines to see if I can round up other paying work. Something I should have done a couple of months ago, yes, I know. I've been thinking about it, but the idea of putting myself out there terrifies me.

D'ya think I should get over that if I want to earn my living this way, maybe?

Thing is, as dismally as the past couple of months have been in terms of productivity, I just can't face the thought of going back to a full-time administrative job, which is what will happen if I can't find a way to make this work. I know I need to find a better way to look at that prospect, but right now it feels like, well, like beige...

Blah, blah, blah...

As to knitting, Ribby is practically done, and it fits. It is practically done because I am afraid of screwing up the zipper. I want it to be done, I want to wear it, anyone want to put a zipper in a sweater (kidding, mostly)?

(this post has quite a theme, maybe I should have titled it "Stupid Things I'm Afraid Of")

I also knit Koolhaas from Interweave's holiday issue, and I'm working on Knucks, although I'm going to skip the embellishment; the recipient prefers utilitarian gear. I love my new hat, and one of these days I'll get around to taking a photo of it. It felt a bit fiddly to start with, but I finished it in a week and learned how to cable without a cable needle.

Well, talk about random. I guess I'd better quit while I'm ahead.

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